Run Your Life Show With Andy Vasily

# 137 - In Times of Uncertainty with Ted Hill- Director of Chadwick International School

Andy Vasily

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In this episode, Ted Hill, the Director of Chadwick International School, in South Korea, shares his school's experience trying to navigate the tricky waters caused by the current public health crisis, COVID-19, and the impact that it has had on his organization. He speaks deeply about the process that the school has gone through to collectively come together to meaningfully collaborate in order to deliver a distance learning program that best meets the needs of their students.

As well, in this episode, Ted shares his own journey in education, his trajectory into leadership and what he has learned about himself throughout the years as an educator. If you are an administrator or a teacher listening to this episode and would like to know more about how Chadwick International School has delivered their distance learning program, feel free to contact them. The contact details can be found below. Thanks for listening to this episode with Ted Hill.

Ted's Bio:
Frederick T. "Ted" Hill is currently Head of School at Chadwick International School (CI) in Songdo (Incheon), South Korea. He also serves as President of the Roessler-Chadwick Foundation Group, which operates both CI and Chadwick School in Palos Verdes, California. Previously, he served for 18 years as Headmaster of Chadwick School. 

Hill oversaw the founding of CI in 2010 and its growth over the past 10 years from a student body of 270 to its current enrollment of 1,300 students, pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade. Hill led this expansion of Chadwick into East Asia in fulfillment of founder Margaret Chadwick's vision of bringing the progressive Chadwick education model to another country. 

Hill has previously served as a teacher, coach, and/or administrator at Williston-Northampton School, Graham-Eckes Palm Beach Academy, St. Margaret’s Episcopal School, Louisville Collegiate School, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Harvard University. 

A graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, Hill holds a master’s degree in education from Harvard University, a master’s degree in French language and literature from Middlebury College, and a bachelor’s degree in French and English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has served in the past on the boards of the California Association of Independent Schools, the Independent School Experiential Education Network (ISEEN), and the Harbor Interfaith Council.   

Connect with Chadwick International School

Special thanks to Bronx based band Conversing with Oceans and Alex Bondarev for creating the podcast music.